forward Next Word. Remainder shows number of words not attempted at a level.
/a/ Say Phoneme. Multisyllabic words are split into their syllables. Phonemes with the same background color are from the same syllable.
record_voice_over Say Spelling Word
settings_backup_restore Set Practice Level star_borderstar_borderstar_border to starstarstar
settings Enter your child's spelling list
Consonants | |
Phoneme | Graphemes |
/b/ | b, bb |
/d/ | d, dd, ed |
/f/ | f, ff, ph |
/g/ | g, gg, gh |
/h/ | h, wh |
/j/ | j, ge, g, dge |
/k/ | k, c, ch, cc, q, ck, x |
/l/ | l, ll |
/m/ | m, mm, mb |
/n/ | n, nn, kn, gn |
/p/ | p, pp |
/r/ | r, rr, wr |
/s/ | s, ss, c, sc |
/t/ | t, tt, ed |
/v/ | v, f, ve |
/w/ | w, wh, u |
/y/ | y, i |
/z/ | z, zz, s, ss, se |
Other Consonants | |
Phoneme | Graphemes |
/zh/ | s, si, g |
/ch/ | ch, tch |
/sh/ | sh, s, ss, ti, ch |
/th/ unvoiced |
th |
/ṯẖ/ voiced |
th |
/ng/ | n, ng |
Short Vowels | |
Phoneme | Graphemes |
/a/ | a |
/e/ | e |
/i/ | i, y |
/o/ | o, aw, a, au, augh, ough |
/u/ | u, o |
Long Vowels | |
Phoneme | Graphemes |
/ā/ | a, ai, ay, a_e, eigh |
/ē/ | e, ee, ea, ey, i, y |
/ī/ | i, y, igh, ie, i_e, eigh |
/ō/ | o, oa, o_e, oe, ow, ough |
/ū/ | u, o, oo, ew, ue, u_e, ough |
R Controlled Vowels | |
Phoneme | Graphemes |
/er/ | ir, er, ur, ear, or |
Other Vowels | |
Phoneme | Graphemes |
/oo/ | oo, u, oul |
/oy/ | oi, oy |
/ow/ | ow, ou, ou_e |
/ə/ | a, e, i, o, u, y, le |
Closed | Short vowel sound. Vowel is closed in by one or more consonants | /r//e//d/ r e d |
Open | Long vowel sound. Vowel is at the end of a syllable | /h//ā//l//ō/ h a l o |
Magic E (VCE) | E is silent. Long vowel sound | /g//ā//m/ g a m e |
Vowel team / Diphthong | 2 or more vowels that make one long, short or diphthong sound | /r//ē//d/ r ea d |
R controlled Vowel | Any vowel followed by an R | /k//ar//r//t/ c a r t |
Consonant + LE | Used at the end of words. E is silent | /a//p//ə//l/ a pp l e |