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听写 Retrieval Practice
- local_library Select Lesson
- Write answer on paper
- spellcheck Check answer.
- If wrong, rewrite the correct answer after comparing it with your answer.
- Select Correct check or Wrong clear. If wrong, you will be retested on the word later
- Continue until all the words are Correct (Remainder is 0)
Retrieval practice is highly efficient for learning, as it reinforces memory pathways through active recall. This
method boosts long-term retention and helps learners identify gaps in their knowledge, allowing for targeted study.
Companion Learning Resources
- 我会写 Learn Lesson Words (课次生字表)
Stroke (笔画), Stroke Order (笔顺) and Radicals (偏旁部首).
- 我会认 Learn Lesson Words (课次生字表) Hanyu
Pinyin 声母 initials, 韵母 finals and 4 tones.
- record_voice_over Read Word
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- record_voice_over Read sentence
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