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Word lists are from the MOE Primary School Chinese and Higher Chinese Syllabus. Words in red on the Hanyu Pinyin chart are the 识读字 from the lesson. The words in black are the possible combinations of the 声母 initials and 韵母 finals used in the lesson. Click on the word to hear the different tones.
There are 2 companion 识写字 (听写) Practice and Hanyu Pinyin reader and pronunciation checker with level and lesson relevant practice sentences and short stories.
Pencil and paper test
Test child with pencil and paper after completing test. Practice further if required. You can repeat
the different levels.
Number of words not attempted at a level.
Button Description
forward Next Word.
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Pinyin is the romanization system for Standard Mandarin Chinese, which uses the Latin alphabet to represent the pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese characters.
Pinyin consists of three components:
Together, initials, finals, and tones make up the pronunciation of a syllable in Mandarin Chinese.
b | p | m | f | d | t | n | l |
g | k | h | j | q | x | zh | ch |
sh | r | z | c | s | y | w |
a | o | e | i | u | ü | ai | ei |
ui | ao | ou | iu | ie | üe | er | an |
en | in | un | ün | ang | eng | ing | ong |
ia | iao | ian | iang | iong |
ua | uo | uai | uan | uang |
üan |